Further to the official launch of the Luxembourg GAIA-X Hub, Luxinnovation, together with its partners representing the private sector - CCEL, FEDIL and ICTLuxembourg - will continue their efforts in mobilising the ecosystem by encouraging all relevant stakeholders, be it companies, research organisations, ministries, to become involved in the GAIA-X initiative.
Indeed, stakeholders are the ones that can best express the requirements of the infrastructure and data ecosystem layers to be feed in the GAIA-X work to ensure that data can become available, combined, interoperable and securely shared in an environment of trust across multiple sectors.
Luxinnovation, as coordinator of the hub, will ensure that all interested parties from the Luxembourg Ecosystem are included in the hub, can join working groups on data domains so as to be able to possibly come forward with a use case or join a consortium that could be of interest for business activity.
Being members of the Steering Committee, CCEL, FEDIL and ICTLuxembourg will contribute to the implementation of the project.
They will act as the representatives of key actors taking part in the various projects identified as relevant for the Luxembourg economy and hence they will be the key interlocutor with the government.
Having a sound understanding of the needs of companies and associations they represent, they will help identifying relevant use cases and raising awareness about the project.
All interested parties are invited to reach out to us to further seizing the opportunity of contributing to GAIA-X.
Luxembourg GAIA-X Hub Coordinator (as from 19 April 2021) :
Peter Sodermans, Special Advisor, Luxinnovation
We kindly inform you that should you have not been able to join us or wish to listen again to the second edition of the Luxembourg GAIA-X Conference jointly organised by CCEL, FEDIL, ICTLuxembourg and Luxinnovation, held on Thursday, 25th March, the replay is available below :
The slides can be found below as well :
We remain at your disposal should you need any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Yves Reding, Chairman, CCEL
René Winkin, General Manager, FEDIL
Vincent Lekens, Chairman, ICTLuxembourg
Sasha Baillie, CEO, Luxinnovation