OST Telecom provides High quality services from fixed and mobile telephony, internet and television to full integrated ICT solutions and business applications. POST Luxembourg has its own infrastructures and datacenters to deliver these services and provides secure connectivity solutions, as well as voice services, ICT & Cloud and data management to individuals and businesses under PSF status.
Datacenters are connected through TERALINK, broadband network from POST Telecom linked to several major European cities.
POST Telecom is continually investing in its infrastructure, making one of the most modern service partners in Europe. The mobile network offers its private and corporate customers all the comfort of 4G services. More than 600 roaming agreements were signed with 193 countries.
Customer satisfaction is the number one priority of the company, which aims to consistently deliver innovative products with a high level of service. Business customers benefit from a dedicated, flexible and skilled team to allow them to focus on their core business without having to worry about ICT issues.
To make the life of our customers easier, POST Telecom has focused its priorities on :
• Cloud & ICT
• Network & Connectivity
• Security & EMM
• Voice & Collaboration
Aware of the fast changing ecosystems, whether fixed, mobile or ICT, POST Telecom offers a one stop shop that meets all its clients requirements. Today, 80 people are dedicated to the professional market in the sales team.
Our solutions are evolving, making your business life easier
Postal address: 1 Rue Emile Bian
Zip code and country: L-1235 Luxembourg
Phone: 8002 2400
Fax: +352 2792 8120
Email: corporate.telecom@post.lu
Website: www.post.lu
Legal form: S.A.
Foundation date: 1842
Staff in Luxembourg:
Area of activities
Cloud Offers
Solutions available on the market
POST Telecom and POST Telecom PSF provide a wide of Cloud solutions to all types of customers in Luxembourg, the greater Region and internationally. We offer various services from the low level IaaS up to a variety of SaaS solutions to cutomers.
Specificity of the main offer
CloudBizz is the only “All in One” solution in Luxembourg that allows to virtualize the complete office infrastructure from Collaboration services to Business applications. This solution is made and hosted in Luxembourg on a highly secured and redundant infrastructure.
CloudBizz presents all the advantages of a public Cloud solution.
It simplifies the life because the customer has only one supplier who cares about its whole IT infrastructure, security and licences. Post Telecom manages the changes, the updates and the support needed by the customer.
It provides the customer an easy way to configure its IT resources through a Web control panel. The creation of a user or an account is really simple to manage.
CloudBizz simplifies the way of working. Users can connect to their applications at any time and from anywhere and on any device.
The pricing model is based on a monthly fee that includes all the hardware, licences and services. No investment is needed. CloudBizz offers a very flexible pricing model that allows the enterprise to adapt its infrastructure to its real needs.
To resume, CloudBizz is a complete solution that presents all the advantages of a high quality Cloud Solution made in Luxembourg!
Support PSF
Telecom Provider & Mobility Solution of the year
Best Telecom & Internet Innovator of the year
Best Telecom Services Provider of the year
ICT Alliance of the year