EBRC aims at becoming a European Centre of Excellence & Trust Centre in the management & protection of sensitive information. With highest security standards (ISO, PCI DSS Level 1), 3 Tier IV certified Data Centres, it has developed a unique value proposition for clients & partners focused on Trust & Cyber-Resilience: Trusted Services Europe.
EBRC Trusted Services Europe
EBRC Trusted Advisory Services
EBRC Trusted Managed Services
EBRC Trusted Cloud Europe
EBRC Trusted Security Europe
EBRC Trusted Resilience Services
EBRC Trusted Data Center Services
Postal adress: 19-23 rue Jean Fischbach
Zip code and country: L-3372 Leudelange
Phone: +352 2606 1
Email: marketing.support@ebrc.com
Website: www.ebrc.com
Legal form: S.A.
Foundation date: 2000
Staff in Luxembourg: 200
Worldwide: 350 (groupe EBRC)
Luxembourg: 82 M€
Worldwide: 112 M€
Sebastien GENESCA – CEO
Sandrine BOUCQUEY – Director HR & Legal
Philippe DANN – Head of Business Development
Thierry TAILDEMAN – Director Client Service Operations
Raphaël HENRY – Head of Marketing and Portfolio Management
Area of activities
Cloud Offers
Solutions available on the market
TrustedCloudFactory is an innovative PaaS environment, orchestrating application developments (DevOps approach).
End-to-end product, subset of TrustedCloudEurope, it covers all the life cycle of an application enabling Clients agility in developing on-demand applications: development, test, integration, production, operation, monitoring, continuous improvement
Private Cloud-PaaS: Hosted in EBRC TierIV certified Datacenters, EBRC provides “Cloud-as-a-Service” on a dedicated flexible outsourced platform.
EBRC operates the Cloud infrastructure, defined on the Clients’ requirements and targets (SLA/KPI).
The global architecture is designed to reach the best business performance.
The integration of a TEST / PRE-PROD / PROD structure, in the co-managed platform, makes daily operations possible.
SaaS solutions:
– VWD Portfolio Management:
VWD Portfolio Manager provides financial institutions with efficient access to financial information and markets. Customers benefit from vwd group integrated approach: from analysis, consultation and reporting to trading, marketing and sale of financial products.
vwd portfolio manager, Built on 20 years of experience and with more than 500 clients, portfolio manager has become over the years the reference solution for third-party managers, family offices, asset managers, retail and private banks.
vwd portfolio manager is directly available in the clouds providing third-party managers, family offices, asset managers,… with “one stop shop” for all their IT needs, as emails, storage, backup, disaster recovery, etc. but also business needs with vwd portfolio manager.
– Financial payment hub:
“In line with EBRC strategy of investing in new solutions to enhance its “Trusted Europe Services” catalogue, the joint financial messaging hub service in the EBRC cloud proposed in collaboration with EastNets achieves a new step in the growth of the EBRC product portfolio dedicated to the financial industry. This new cloud-based service with SWIFT connectivity attractive in terms of cost and deployment time aims at supporting Financial Institutions and Corporates with a top rank solution meeting the ISO20222 migration challenges for infrastructures like SEPA and T2S, and improving the efficiency of financial message processing.
– Swift connectivity
Through its Eastnets partnership agreement EBRC clients and prospects benefit from connections to various Swift Service Bureau around the world.
– AML KYC compliance solutions
– Secured mail and File storage services
– Payment & cards management solutions
– Objectway
Public Cloud-IaaS (VPC-Virtual Private Cloud):
Managed with advanced tools from VMware, EBRC IaaS offers the highest level of security, reliability and availability thanks to:
• redundant self-service or front-mutualised services storage mirroring
• twice TierIV interconnected and distant virtualisation farms
Community Cloud:
EBRC has developed TrustedCloudEurope answering PCIDSS Level1 requirements.
The architecture deployed is aligned with PCIDSS Cloud Guide V2 and brings a maximum of security.
It reduces the Time-to-Market and the Time-to-Value bringing simplicity in fast implementation of marketing specifications and recommendations.
Specificity of the main offer
Our main cloud offer is EBRC Trusted Cloud Europe, based on a quality charter offering various guarantees:
1. Quality & Awards
2. Corporate Governance & Stability
3. Security & Risk Management Culture
4. ICT Service Management Performance
5. High-availability
6. Neutrality
7. Green
EBRC Trusted Cloud Europe is an Innovative highly secured and certified end-to-end Service, enabling client’s fast Business Deployment, on a Self-Service or a Full Managed Mode. It has been designed and built to reassure the clients, giving them a readable offer in terms of governance, risk mitigation and compliance.
EBRC Trusted Cloud Europe features the following characteristics, service & deployment models:
5 essential characteristics
• On demand self service
• Broad network access
• Resource pooling
• Rapid elasticity
• Measured service
3 available deployment models
• Public
• Private
• Community
3 service models
• Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
• Platform as a Service (PaaS)
• Software as a Service (SaaS)